Backpacker's Secrets

Hasil gambar untuk couple backpackers

People nowadays love traveling or some people state himself or herself as a Backpacker.

And.. what is backpacker? what is backpacking?

Backpacking is a form of low-cost, independent travel. It includes the use of a backpack that is easily carried for long distances or long periods of time; the use of public transports, inexpensive lodging such as youth hotels, often a longer duration of the trip when compared with conventional vacations; and often an interest in meeting locals as well as seeing sights.

Imagine a backpacker and you might envision an unanchored youth with well-worn jeans and limitless endurance. But backpacking is not about much more than gap-year student and gritty hostels. Backpacking is abut adventure and independence. And it's one of the cheapeast ways to take a trip, which is why older travelers, travelers on a budget, and even those who prfer private bathrooms and upscale cuisine shouldn't snub ways of the wily backpacker.

So, here I would like to give you some information about how to be a good backpacker. the first is find an experienced friendIf you don’t know a backpacker, find a willing friend to sign up for a backpacking class with you. It’s smart, and often more fun, to take at least one other person with you on your first backpacking trip. and the second is use your feet. Backpacking typically requires a great deal of strength and endurance. But if you're not the type to scale mountains or swim across the English Channel, planing a series walking trips is accesible way to challenge yourself. As with any physical endeavor, after you've pushed your limits and come out on top, you'll experience a major confidence boost. The third is bring your own snacks. Being on an adventure and living out of your trusty backpack can really drain you. Snacks might seem like a silly addition to your gear, but it can really help you keep energy levels high between meals and rest. Even in the cheapest counries to visit, local vendors know that snacks are necessary during the travel, and they tend to jack yp the prices on quick bites to eat, dodge this unforeseen expenditure and bring your own protein or glanola bars. Then, go to the grocery stores. Packing light is important not only to escape from staggering checked-bag fees, but also so that you will have room in your bag for food. Backpackers tend to seek out electric food carts, fresh produce markets and local bakeries. And, the last is travel with a group. Backpacking solo is a freeing experience, but there's always strange in numbers. Travelling in a group can save you cash by sharing various duties. One of you is a good cook? That's help big time. One person is detailed oriented? Let them set up the train trips. One's a seasoned camper? They'll have a gear to camp comfortably (and cheaply). A group complicates the planning process, but don't let that scare you. You can always break away and meet up later. 

So, that's all about some tips to be a good backpacker and we can conclude about some tips above is that when we want to go somewhere it will be quite easy if we prepare well before. Thank You :) 


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