Historical Heritage - Van Der Wijk Fortress

Van Der Wijk Fortress was built around the 19th century. Located in Gombong City, Kebumen District, Central Java, approximately 300 m from Kebumen - Yogyakarta highway, this fort is one of the interesting attractions on the South Coast Path. Van der Wijck's name itself comes from the name of the commander at that time whose career is quite brilliant in silencing the resistance of the people of Aceh. At the beginning of the founding, this fort was named Fort Cochius (Fort Cochius) from the name of one of the Dutch General Frans David Cochius (1787-1876) who had been assigned to Bagelen area (one of Kedu residency). The complex of this castle became Sekolah Tamtama and TNI AD military barracks. There are also buildings that functioned as a hotel and multipurpose room. In addition, this fort is also a mainstay attractions and surrounding areas Gombong. Not just an old fortress, now the manager also complements these attractions with children's playground like a swivel mill, swan boat, cars etc. In addition, the manager also provides a mini train that transports visitors from the main gate to the fort which is a little distance away. There is also a giant dinosaur statue that must make the children happy.

The most unique thing on this tourist spot is the mini train just above the fort. With this train visitors can surround the fort and enjoy the view from the top of the fort. Maybe this is the only one in Indonesia where visitors can ride the train above the fort. From the top of the castle visitors can see soldiers who were practicing in the field not far from the fortress complex. Simply pay Rp 5000 per person ticket, visitors can board mini trains for about 15 minutes. Although the surrounding scenery is not spectacular, but the sensation of riding a train above the castle can only be found here.


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