The Most Beautiful Cave in Kebumen - Jatijajar Cave

Jatijajar cave is formed from limestone. Its length from the entrance to the exit is about 250 meters. Jatijajar cave width about 15 meters, Jatijajar cave height 12 meters, with the thickness of the cave sky Jatijajar about 10 meters. As for the height of the cave Jatijajar from sea level is 50 meters. In 1975, this cave began to be built and developed tourist attractions in Kebumen. Where the idea of ​​Jatijajar Goa development as a tourist attraction is the Governor of Central Java, Mr. Suparjo Rustam. At that time, the Regent of Kebumen was Mr. Supeno Suryodiprojo. To launch and implement the development of Jatijajar Cave, directly appointed by Mr. Suparjo Rustam namely CV. AIS from Yogyakarta. Who was then led by Mr. Saptoto who works as a famous diorama artist in Indonesia. Prior to the implementation of Jatijajar development project, Kebumen regional government first replaced the loss of land affected by the cave development site. Land required with an area of ​​5.5 hectares.

In Jatijajar Cave there is Stalagtite with Stalagmite. All of this is formed by the droplets of rain water that react with the limestone penetrated. According to research, the Stalagtit formation process takes a very long time. Within a year the thickest Stalagtit formed was only about 1 cm. Therefore Jatijajar Cave is one of the oldest limestone caves in the world.


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