Sidomoro Waterfall - Sidomoro Waterfall is one of the natural beauty found in District Sempor. This waterfall is precisely located in the area of ​​Donorojo Village, Sempor district or the border between Kebumen and Banjarnegara. This waterfall is still very natural because it is located around the pine forest belonging to the local government and the height of this waterfall is about 35 m.

The path that you pass to reach this waterfall from Kebumen Regency is a public transportation / ride from Gombong to the pagoda or you can pass the Van Der Wick Castle you just follow the path that is beside the fort around 20 minutes you will meet the welcome note At Sidomoro Waterfall. After that, your trip will be a little difficult because the road is very uphill and damaged, you will arrive at this waterfall about 30 minutes.

Hal-hal yang menarik dicurug ini, curug ini masih sangat alami. Terletak ditengah hutan dengan udara yang sejuk, airnya pun jernih. selain itu, tidak seperti curug biasanya curug ini juga mempunyai tempat yang sangat luas sehingga tidak masalah apabila anda kesini membawa banyak teman. curug ini juga sudah dilengkapi fasilitas umum yang lengkap, seperti : Mushola, kamar mandi umum, bahkan terdapat gasebo. tiket masuknya juga sangat terjangkau. untuk wisata diatas 12 tahun 5000 dan dibawah 12 tahun 3000.

As usual tourist attractions there are always advantages and disadvantages, the road to the waterfall is still difficult to reach because the road is damaged, this waterfall is also less known by the community around both citizens banjarnegara and kebumen, this place should be more published in social media Or other, I'm sure if this has been done it will be more to visit this waterfall. I am writing this article to advise the local government to pay more attention to this tourist attraction because of its potential is very good for tourism.


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