Petruk cave is a long cave that located in the district of Kebumen Ayah, this cave is the most visited tourist spot when the weekend by families who want to travel, but sometimes also visited by nature lovers who want to explore it until the end of the cave.
Petruk Cave map
The scenery is very beautiful inside the cave, there are many stalactites, stalagmites, there is even a stone called stone bust. Goa will be filled with water that is high enough when the rainy season, so I suggest if you want to explore this cave during the dry season, and if you want to explore this cave until the end you have to in group, do not come inside alone and do not forget with the tour guide in order you don't get lost. The cave is very long and many hallways inside. Petruk cave can be reached by taking 1 hour from Kebumen city, you can also use public transportation. Although this cave has a nice view but nonetheless there are still many weakness, such as travel place public facilities that are not maintained, lots of trash scattered, the safety of visitors still must be considered. Therefore, we shoud preserve this cave, do not let this tourism place became forgotten by people. :)
stone bust |
inside the cave |
the end of the cave |
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